Wednesday, October 18, 2006

TableTop D&D

Look, I get it. Getting together with friends... playing a game... escaping reality... I do. I get the appeal of table top D&D. And, while this may have been fun back in the days when color TV was for the alpha males of society, it made sense. But something about manually keeping track of stats, talking to a dungeon master that you know personally and casting a spell by saying, "I cast a spell" somewhat creeps me out.

I've tried it. Just once. And I felt dumb the entire time I was playing it. Not that I would ever tell my buds that but something about it felt a little too over the top. There's nothing wrong with spinning a good tale but arguments over +5 hammers that are written in a small little book, doesn't overplay the fact that i'm standing right next to you.

Maybe I'm a closet Fantasy Fan, afraid to admit that I love reading stories about honor, elves and magic. But I digress. It is said that the Elder Scroll series was conceptualized by a group a friends that created their own world for a table top D&D. I guess that makes sense. Having to create a world really fills out the details you would have not otherwise thought. Oblivion is the most intricate and well plotted RPGs on the market today, if not ever.

But that doesn't mean i'm rolling 1d10 hoping that my attack hits.


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