Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gaming and the big battles

If you've never delved into the obscene vice which is the MMORPG then you've been missing alot. MMORPG stands for Massive Multiplayer Onling Roleplaying Game, also known as sucking an obscene amount of money monthly while provides tiny bits of content to keep them hooked. And, while this appraisal may be unkind, I assure you it is not far from the truth. While the original MMORPG was Merdian 59, the first mainstream one was in the infamous EverQuest. You know the one. You heard the story of that kid who died, then the news agencies found he had like 6 Everquest accounts. BULLSHIT!

I digress, even before I go off on that tangent. The massive multiplayer has been the sucktube for all those Fantasy Fans who either didn't have to balls to rack up a D&D set or just couldn't find anyone interested. And, while the level-me-now and hunt-for-items have been the mainstay of the EverQuest clones, it has been a tad bit overdone. Don't know what I'm talking about? Sure you do.

Lets move on.

If anything Lord of the Rings have given us, it's the selfinduced coma we all achieve when we imagine that perfect massive battle with elves, dwarven Lords and kings. Dark Ages of Camelot tried to sate this innate desire so did games like Shadowbane. But it always lacked the technology component necessary to achieve such things. To dumb it down, for those not intune with the MMORPG landscape... Imagine Xbox online, where the games can span to 4v4 on most of their games. (with exceptions of course) Then imagine Counterstrike where you can have like 8v8 and still other PC games that can have like 16v16. Got the image? That's right. Now pound you head against the desk and imagine 300v300. That's what you'll get with games like Shadowbane and the upcoming Darkfall. Drooling yet? I thought so.

And yet, I find myself wonder how fast the server will crash when it happens. For those not following along, NO single game has been able to solve the "massive battle" crash. DAOC failed, Shadowbane Failed, World of Warcraft failed. And yet that massive battle is what we dream of; play endless hours for. Not the battle specifically but the dream that there's something bigger in that game, that there's a whole world you can be a part of, effect and change.

But maybe its just me. I still dream of that big battle. Here's hoping Darkfall won't be a bust as well.

-Long"Talking to those who already know what i'm talking about"bow

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